Blog Post 12: Hotel guests ignore the no smoking signs in guest rooms.
A 100 room hotel has a no smoking policy for all its rooms. Invariably one or more rooms are smoked in each day. The cleaning staff discover the room with the smoke smell sometimes only a few hours before a new guest is due to occupy the room. Historically, an ozone machine was installed in the room and the room was not rented out that night as the ozone machine did its job and also created a hazard for anyone who might enter the room. This cost the hotel money because the room was not able to be rented out for the night. The hotel owner learned about the Whiffer Zapper and wanted to try it in the rooms where residual odors from smoking were present. She purchased several Whiffer Zappers and put them to work. Each time a cleaning person reported a room that had been smoked in, a Whiffer Zapper was dispatched to the room and activated. After several hours the smells were captured and the rooms were fresh and ready to be rented out. This success led to her purchasing 20+ Whiffer Zappers for use in her hotel complex. She reports now that she keeps one operating in each public bathroom as well as the dinning hall and office. The Whiffer Zappers have saved her money and complaints from guests about residual smells have vanished.